
Perspectives on technology, investing, and business.

From Paper to Mobile: the Evolution of Advertising

Jeremy Hlavacek, Vice President, Programmatic at The Weather Company speaks with GrowthCap’s CEO, RJ Lumba. Below is the Q&A:...

Gus’ Big Win in Cybersecurity: How Foresight...

Gustavo “Gus” Alberelli, Managing Director at Trident Capital, speaks with GrowthCap’s CEO, RJ Lumba.Gus leads sourcing efforts and focuses on growth equity and buyout investments in Software, Internet, & Technology-Enabled Serv...

Blue Elephant Goes In on Non-bank Lending: Institu...

The recent explosion in peer-to-peer lending these days can be hard to explain to the general public, but the story behind the tremendous growth is a simple one: peer-to-peer lending became popular as a means of making small interest-bearing loan...

Private Capital Lines Up Behind Community Banks

Community banks across the world are facing a barrage of changes as new regulations come into force. However, those regulations werenʼt originally aimed at them, they were aimed at the too big to fail multinational banks. For community banks, wh...

Think Debt First, Then Equity

The large majority of CEOs we speak with find themselves in the search for equity, but surprisingly they typically have not fully considered their debt options.  I think this is likely the case because of the prevalence of private equity and venture...

Growth Investor Tips and Targeting

We speak with three to five CEOs per day who ask us how they should approach or revise their capital raise process and if there are additional investors they should consider. We thought we could more efficiently help the hundreds of CEOs in our Growt...

Growth Investor Q&A: Camden Partners

A few weeks ago, GrowthCap’s RJ Lumba had the chance to sit with Jason Tagler of Camden Partners to speak about growth equity investing and his firm’s approach to partnering with CEOs. Below is the Q&A:...

GrowthCap Extends Private Equity Platform to Ultra...

GrowthCap announced today that it has extended its private equity platform to include investment opportunities for ultra high net worth individuals. “We saw a large gap in the private investment market.” said GrowthCap CEO RJ Lumba. ̶...

The Art and Science of Valuing Your Company

How would you value my company? It’s a question I get asked frequently. Just the other day, I was at lunch with an old friend who asked me how would I value a company where he is on the board. He gave me some basic information and I came up wit...

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